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What is your 'secret weapon' to alleviate stress?

Would love to know how others alleviate their stress. My top three stress relievers are:

1) Exercise
2) Hot shower
3) Enjoying my morning coffee or an evening glass of wine outside on my deck.

Karla, Those all sound like great outlets. Thanks for sharing. Over the many years that I have instructed this course, I've heard all kinds of suggestions. In addition to the ones you mentioned, walking pets, breathing exercises and yoga also tend to be popular.

Dr. Melissa Read

I have a top three also
1. walking in the shopping strip (next to my job)
2. Line Dancing
3. sitting on my patio, sometimes I plant flowers

Marsha, Thanks for sharing. Line dancing is certainly a unique secret weapon that I don't hear about too often! Sounds like you have found some wonderful ways to relax and unwind. Good for you!

Dr. Melissa Read

Yoga definately makes my top three, as well as taking a little time out in the morning to journal and really, to be still.
I also love tending to my little balcony garden!
Oh, and petting the cat--that's a great, not to mention quick-and-easy, stress relief.

I find gardening, weeding, digging and petting my 2 pups... anything to do with nature relieves my stress and makes me feel productive and refreshed all at the same time.

Rebecca, These all sound like great outlets. I really love how you mentioned gardening. That's such a great outlet and yet I don't hear about that a lot from instructors.

Dr. Melissa Read

1. praying
2. reading the Bible
3. Exercise
These are the three things that help me to alleviate stress.

I live an hour from my school, the long drive home helps me unwind

These are my top 3 ways of alleviating stress:
1. get a massage
2. talk and laugh with friends
3. listen to music

Shannon, Great to hear you have a nice range of outlets. It's wonderful to have a diverse set of 'secret weapons' in your arsenal when coping with stress.

Dr. Melissa Read

Like many other people, I have a TON of stress, both from my personal and professional life. Sometimes, they will even overlap and effect each other. My "secret weapon" is deep breathing. When I feel the stress creeping up on me and I feel like I'm going to snap, I sit in a quiet area for about 5 minutes, close my eyes and just take slow, deep breathes until I feel better. I also snuggle with my cat and give my hubby a long, embracing hug!! It's the small things that make the big stuff tolerable!!!

I agree! Going home and straight to the deck for at least 30 minutes of Zen! No books, no phone, no TV. Free your mind! Great way to start the day as well!

Dena, So nice to hear you have developed such a wonderful coping mechanism. Deep breathing can be a great way to relax and de-stress. It's also wonderful that you can practice this technique virtually anywhere. Thanks for sharing!

Dr. Melissa Read

I did not see any mention of playing music as a stress reliever. I play an instrument and compose original music as a hobby and it is a fantastic stress reliever because it takes you away from all of your work/personal/family problems and stress.

Robert, Excellent approach. Yes, from time to time, I do see instructors mention playing an instrument. To your point, it does serve as a wonderful stress reducer. It can also be a great creative outlet too.

Dr. Melissa Read

Meditation, visual imagery, and deep breathing have all helped. Also, I've started reviewing my work as I go (for instance, when making a test key or taking an online quiz) to I can review it once instead of doing multiple reviews.

morning coffee is great but knowing the quote, "This Too shall pass" helps me having a chance to read the bible does me well for my own personal growth work and with students

Kimberly, Love your approach. Sounds like you have a lot of great methods in place for alleviating stress. Excellent to hear. Yes, I particularly like the way you do single reviews as you go as opposed to multiple reviews after the fact.

Dr. Melissa Read

Just relax. It's really not that serious.
It's Only Life...We All get through it.

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