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Managing Time

I found the part in the lesson about not checking e-mail etc every time you go by the mailroom, computer etc. very helpful. I am the type of person to check things constantly so that I can respond right away as opposed to checking it once. I will try to implement this new technique during my next module of classes and see if it will free up some more of my time.

I also find myself checking my e-mails far more often than once a day. This is really helpful information and good ideas.

I also check my emails alot. I also have a schedule in my mind that i keep . It helps me with my time. At work i do things every night at a certain time and still have 25 mins at the end of the night to relax before my drive home

These are the little things that we don't think about that takes up valuable time, so it's an eye opener.

I must confess that I also, have the need to check every email immediately; however this is extremely disruptive to the assignments or tasks you are currently working on. Do you also get the feeling that the symbol to mark you email with high importance is over used???

I constantly check my emails too! I always thought it was saving me time by keeping on top of it, but after this lesson I can see why it actually takes up unnecessary time. From now on, I am going to only check my email at certain time intervals, such as at the start of the day, just after lunch, and at the end of the day.

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