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Streamlining the Grading Process

Think about the current format of your exams and homework assignments and how much time it takes for you to grade them. Based on what you have learned in this module, how will you format your exams and homework assignments differently in the future?

Exams do not take more than 10 minute altogether. The tests that I utilize come from a test bank and what I do is I often modify the test to cater to the material that is being taught. if I choose to add more questions or choose to put essay questions on the exam, that would take more time. There are often times when I use scan trons as well to expedite the grading of tests. For homework assignments, this takes a bit longer because I am reading every assignment to make sure that the questions were answered correctly. Going forward it could be a possibility in which I would implement better tools so homework won't be as paper pushing.

I will try to use more multiple choice exams, if possible but I think the downside of that is many students need help with their writing. With all the technology quick responses text, e-mail etc. I think the art of formal writing is being lost.

Multiple choice question is the best way out because of easier grading and coverage of the materials.

The exam format I use is usually multiple choice, true or false, or short answer, therefore the method to grade these tests is easy and fast, we also use scantron where I work, making it even easier.
Maikel Garcia

Olaolu, Multiple choice is indeed a fast way to grade and is often a great choice for instructors who want to save time. However, it is not always the best way to cover all course material or deeply test learning. Sometimes other formats, such as essay style, are a better approach for learning.

Dr. Melissa Read

Maikel, Excellent to hear. It sounds like you have quite the efficient system. I should note that sometimes, the fastest grading method is not the best when it comes to testing learning. If that is at all a concern for you, you might try mixing testing formats.

Dr. Melissa Read

Multiply choice answers are good idea to add to my test since the NCLX is adding questions that state pick all that apply it will get them ready for the big exam.

For the grading process, the instructor has a choice the make an examen. It can be an open question or a multiple choice question. As a instructor the multiple choice teste is the esaier way to grade a teste.

Currently we use multiple choice questions for the majority of our tests. In our Esthetic program we do use a lot of essay and short answer questions. I think it would be beneficial for us to re write our tests and change the essay questions according to the advice given in the online course.

Denise, So true. I should note that we must balance ease of grading with the depth with which the grading formats probe. Some instructors dislike multiple choice because they feel this format is too easy for students. They prefer to throw in a few essay questions just to make sure students are challenged. Variety can work well.

Dr. Melissa Read

I know a lot of instructors that use Engrade to input their exams. I want to try that, but I think that the time that it takes to put the test into the computer system I could just print it off and grade it myself.

The eaxams we give are given on bubble sheets and we use clear bubble sheets with holes where the correct answer is and we can just lay the clear sheet right on top. This makes grading exams super easy.

Most of our exams are multiple choice because that is the format of the board exam students will take after graduation. It has the added benefit of being easy to grade.

I know that most of my students have jobs and will work after class. I try to keep their homework as direct and to-the-point as I can so that it is clear and concise information. I also try to make sure that they know the parameters of what I expect them to turn in on the next day. I also make sure that they know what information will be on the exams as they take notes from my lectures.

Agreed! These exams are much easier and quicker to grade, but I administer them infrequently. It seems as though students get more confused with multiple choice and it's impossible to award partial credit, which is important in math.

If I give an essay or short answer exam (which I often do) I will definitely have my students highlight the answer within. Also I will have them write answers to multiple choice tests off to the side. I'm so glad to have learned about this technique as I have spent tons of time grading exams. Time management-happening in my life-WONDERFUL!!!

that's a great idea/tip! We don't have the bubble exams yet, however, in the future, if we get them, I'll remember this one. Thanks

We have always used multiple choice and true/false questioning for our tests. The tests are developed by our curriculum department. Just recently we started using scantron. This makes it very easy for grading especially since the grades are then uploaded into an electronic grade book. Besides the obvious savings on time, accuracy of grading and data entry are a great benefit.

The process at my school already in place is utilizing scantrons for all exams, which since being implemented has allowed for a tremendous saving of time that is better spent with the students needs. All of the course materials are standardized, so no need in changes of curriculum are necessary.

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