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It is the foundation upon which the course will be built. It is critical that this impression set a professional tone for the students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

First impression is about: how you look, how you dressed, smiling face,introduce yourself,tone of you voice,telling them about your experience in the field.important to show them you are here for them.You care about them.

Yes, it is and this is why it is so important to get everything just right on day one.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

You want to project a positive attitude, your attitude shows through everything.

I think I had some trouble with my first impression, as I too look younger, and am younger than most of the students in my class.I believe this is the reason I am having a bumpy start now two weeeks into the mod.HOW do I fix this or is it un-fixable?

Yes, it does so we need to bring a good attitude to class each time we face our students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

It is fixable if you will think about what the real problem is in relation to class management. Is it because of your age or is because of how you have set up the class. Once you know where the student challenges are coming from you can move to fix them. Do you have a routine so the students know what to do when they come into class and get settled? Are you clear in your expectations? Are you showing your student respect so they can in turn respect you? Are you being the learning leader in the class? Once these questions are answered you can then develop a plan where you can take and retain control of the class and the bumps should smooth out.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

First impressions can be long-lasting. Before you even start teaching, your students will have already made some decisions about you. Let your students know, from the beginning, that you’re interested in them as individuals and their progress in the class. Students tend to work harder and respond more positively if they believe the instructor is genuinely interested in their personal learning goals and success. Once your students realize that you care about them as people, you are well on your way to a rewarding class.

Good points. If you have taught very long in your school you will have a reputation. Your reputation proceeds you so you need to make sure it is a good one. Sending a message throughout the school that you are a caring and supportive instructor goes a very long way in promoting a positive first impression.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

A positive first impression sets the stage for all that is to follow. You can build trust and a atmosphere of professionalism by a good first impression.

The first day, the first few seconds, the first words spoken all contribute to how first impressions are made. Your point is a good one in that it is easier to build on a positive first impression rather than try to dig out from under a negative one.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

A first impression is important not just because its their first impression of you but because its a new environment for both you and the student. Often we get a little nervous on the first day of a new class ( well at least i do. I'm a very new instructor, i still get the butterflies ) its also a new environment for your students as well. They can be just as uncomfortable and nervous as we are. Its our job to put that at ease and create a comfortable and friendly environment for the student to learn in and its difficult to do that if our first impression is horrible or awkward.

I get butterflies when starting a new class and I have been teaching for many years. I think having a bit of the "nerves" when starting a new class is a good thing because it says that we still care and want to make a good first impression. By having the students to do introductions and then work through an ice breaker everyone can settled down and start to feel a part of the learning community within that class. Then it is a building process that will keep the students focused throughout the duration of the course.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

i set the tone at the very beginning that iam not your friend iam here to educate you. i also give my email address and let them know if they ever need clarity on any material they can ask me questions directly.

A professional tone is a must when working with students. We need to strive to earn their respect just as we in turn respect them and once respect is established then rapport can be developed. It is a building process from there in terms of faculty member and student relationships.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Making a good first impression is important because it lets the class know and feel that you are excited to be there for them and the course.

Good point. Bringing passion for you field to the class room and mixing it with excitement about teaching it and you have combination for learning that is going to work.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

To create positivity for and with the student. Never begin with negativity.

Positive reinforcement will keep the students focused on the learning process. The more they see success the more they will want to learn.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

the first impression,if is good,it will open the door for a good conection between you and your students and also it will make the class go easy .

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