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This is such a supportive and encouraging way to start a off a new class. Sets the tone for engaged learning.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I do not understand teachers like this. What do they expect from their students when they themselves do not practice the needed characteristics of being a professional.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

You only get one chance to make a good first impression. That impression will set the tone of your class and student interactions.

Why is a positive first impression important when starting a new class?

Positive energy feeds positive thinking and feedback. During new class introduction helps set the tone for rapport with students. New students open up due to the excitement of taking a new class and by opening on positive note helps work towards a positive end; and that is learning the objectives of the materials and reaching a new understanding of the subject that will last and be of value in the real world.

Thank you for these comments about the value of the a positive first impression. It is the foundation upon which the rest of the course is built.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

In most cases, students are making a career change and are in very unfamiliar territory. You are a model of attitude, professionalism, approach to problem solving, and what is applicable to know in their industry of choice.

Where there is gray or black, they will emulate who they know in similar situations that they come across in their professional career.

Don't let them deem you insignificant in the industry, or delay it as far down the road as possible. You do hope at some point they will outgrow you.

Good advice for instructors to follow as they provide leadership and instruction to students. This way they provide a learning pathway that the students can follow while growing in their knowledge, skills and expertise so that once they are in the field they do have the opportunity to outgrow their instructor.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

A first impression sets the tone of you and your class. A positive first impression puts the students in a comfortable setting and intrigues the students in wanting to see what else is to come of the class. It shows confidence which is imperative to gaining the attention of your class

You make a good point about how the first impression sets the tone for the class. This is so true and it is essential that it be a good one so the students feel like they are in a good place to receive quality instruction.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I think it is very important to make a first impressan

How do you do that in your classes?

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

It is important because if you do not impress the students to know that you own the class and that you are a professional and will not deviate from that, you can never lose control of the class.

The one thing I always do is I am always in the classroom at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the class and I am always dressed in Business attire, Shirt, Tie, and dress pants. I always make sure I am well groomed and ready to teach.


I am a big fan of modeling as well. Your dress and conduct sets the tone for the class and gives your students an idea of what will be expected of them when they enter the field.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Agreed. Making a positive first impression is not only important in the classroom setting, but in the job market.

I teach at a technical school with an accelerated program. Students join a cohort when they begin and stick with that group through their entire collegiate process.

The first day of class is not only my first impression to the group as a whole, but it's when they decide if they will welcome me into their group or not.

Each group is unique, and I get to display different parts of my personality with each group, but only if they accept me on day one.

I always make sure to have music playing before class so as soon as they walk in they feel welcome. I let the students take turns picking what we listen to, and chat about our musical tastes with students who show up early.

This helps build a relationship with individuals, as well as the group as a whole.

Students are often fearful on the first day of a new course, especially if they have a new instructor. Making a positive first impression puts them at ease and lets them know that you support them and are invested in their success.

This is one of the reasons a positive first impression is so important. Getting the students settled in and feeling comfortable in the class helps them to overcome their fears and with a carefully explanation of the course requirements you will overcome their concerns. Then you are ready to move them forward in the learning process.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Students size up the instructor from first meeting them. Our professional dress attire, body language, speech, tone of voice and our smile and professional demeanor. that is way it is so very important to be ready on that first day.

So true and such an important part of starting off a new class. You are the learning leader so you need to dress and conduct yourself as such. This way you can ask the same from your students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

A positive first impression is important when starting a new class because it demonstrates the development of the class. It sets the tone for proper learning and the ability to grasp your students attention. Your tone of voice, body language, visual expressions all gives presets into the perception your students will take with them.

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