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The chapter provided excellent examples for making a good first impression. What you do on the first day really sets the tone for the course duration and sets the standard. In addition, it adds to your credibility and provides a model of professionalism for the students.

Yes, it does set the tone for future class sessions. This is why it is so important to have a solid foundation upon which to build from day one.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

It's hard to change a first impression so it better be a good one.

We were just talking about this in class. If I wouldn't have set a positive tone and gave the students a first good impression of me at the beginning of the class, we would have had a tougher time learning and communicating. The students would of not liked me and therefore lost interest in learning the material. As much as we would like people not to make judgements on first impressions, they are always important when trying to teach new students and get the point across.

Well said and the reason why we need to work hard at making a positive first impression each time we start a new class of students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

First impressions are everything and very important

They are the foundation upon which the rest of the class is built.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

First impressions set the tone of the class and serve as a model of the worker they hope to become.

Totally agree. Overall, it sets the tone for what the class will be like throughout the entire course. By being optimistic and positive especially with that first impression goes a long way. Sometimes, students just may be going through the motions with classes. However, as the instructor, by displaying that positive energy with that first impression towards your students could contribute that necessary lightning bolt that one of those students might just need to get back on track and focus. Staying positive helps with the first impression, but it also must remain throughout the duration of the course to contribute to the students in potentially reaching and achieving their goals.

Right you are and why it is so important to help them get settled in and focused on what is going to come in the course.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I agree, you only have one time to make a good first impression.

I am an entertainiing instructor and I bring humor into my lecturing and I try to involve the whole class in activities.

You are helping to make learning fun for your students with this approach and I am sure your students appreciate your instructional style.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I believe the first impression is huge. What happens after that resides on that moment. Once a student decides what you are about it will be very hard to change his or her mind. Be positive, professional and prepared and the hardest part is done.

Great points about how the first impression sets the stage for the rest of the course. You are right about how much impact it has on student perception.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Its clear you can't win students over in one lesson, but you may very well loose them.

Good point and well said. Thanks.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

It sets the tone for the course. Planning is the key to great first impressions. Being flexible is essential to adapt to changes in the classroom.

You must go into the class with a smile, let them know that you arehere to help and let them know that you are here to help. Tell them your expectations both in class and in the lab.

I agree, I worked with an instructor that was consistently late for class, starting the first day... She never earned the respect of her class.

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