Jonathan Ollinger

Jonathan Ollinger

About me


Useful.  Reminder of the importance of being in compliance so that the students gets the most professionally qualifed individuals to train and teach them in their area of study.  Also keeping i mind th eethical standards and knowing to just do the right thing.


In my field, I instruct students on an even keel. It is the students responsibility to do the assigned work. It is my resposibility to make sure that all accesses to there educaton is met. When a student isnt doing well, and starts using the "I have a learning disability", issue. Then I think that there should be a more thorough insight to that students issue, as to , are they truly struggling due to a LD, or are they using a crutch just to make things easier and get by. I see this often, students who don't, that take… >>>

Discussion Comment
I find that in the class I instruct,I am constantly changing up my approach to lecture. With a student that has Asberger's, and another with ADHD, there a re definitely challenges i meet on almost a daily basis. These students do take special considerations and most importantly, must be addressed accordingly. Also being fair to the other students without these suituations.
I think that most people, generally have an idea of how to "treat" persons of disability. Most oftenl, I find people are judgemental because they dono't know, hence, comes the mistreatment. Our institution and especially the course I instruct, has a class devoted especially to SPecial Populations. Before the student even gets a chance to have a second opinion, they are provided with the tools to "level the playing field". Knowledge is invaluable.
When we hear about iappropriate activity from another institution, and make a vague comment, it is sometimes overheard by potential students, who may develop a negative thought. Not being present of mind when making such comments can be highly detremental to that student and that institutions success. It is not our place, as members of one institution to make vague comments without forethought. In other words, think before you speak....someone may be listeneing.

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