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I have learned 2 concepts: flipped instruction and flipped classroom.
Both very interesting and useful as part of active learning.
How would you apply it? Good at familiarizing students with both concepts, what they consist of, their applicability and usefulness.
Regarding the inverted classroom, I would agree with the students to give a few minutes of a synchronous class to discuss the material that they have obtained as a result of their searches and that complement the content of the class in addition to the results that they hope to achieve, a discussion would be encouraged between the students participating… >>>

use the chat option for students to make comments

I will do more virtual lectures.

Comment on Kathy Barajas's post: this is my dear Kathy         
That is why it is a dynamic work of three, a collaborative and cooperative work between educational institutions, instructors and students;  where we express the needs and the reason for them to maintain a good academic level that is in the interest of everyone.

I have learned that it is a joint effort – Institutions – Instructor – student, if there is no support from one of the parties, the application of active and online learning will not succeed, no matter how contributing it may be. 
In the introductory class I will incorporate a brief explanation of what active learning entails and how they (students) can make the most of it and with confidence that they are learning and even more than with traditional learning; and become aware that the responsibility for their learning lies primarily with them.

Traditional methods such as lecture then exam, do not engage a students active learning mechanism therefore in the end, not maximizing their learning or potential in the trade being instructed.  You must incorporate both, especially if conducting hybrid online courses.

you must understand all concepts of active learning to alleviate all to the instructor, and enhance learning for the students 

Esta es una herramienta interactiva de aprendizaje en línea.

La enseñanza es una forma vivida de interactuar con el conocimiento, los estudiantes motivan y permiten que como docentes podamos actualizarnos siempre. Estemos comprometidos con nuestra profesión, y con la mejor disposición para enseñar. En realidad, aprendemos  más de ellos y de esa interacción genuina compartida en las aulas.

Generar el diálogo y debate resulta fascinante  y enriquecedor para todos, plantear casos y resolverlos en equipo desarrolla un clima interesante y presto para el aprendizaje, pero además genera conocimiento...

Enseño hace 14 años, y cada clase es un desafío que asumo con mucha entrega y vivencio cada momento. También lo… >>>

Este curso nos brindará mayor información para crear conociemiento en pro de vuestros estudiantes...

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