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Ohio Mandatory Training Session

Course was rather monotonous

Action Plan

My action plan is very simple.  My goal is to continue to grow in all area's to better support my team and employee's.

my experience

I learned a great deal about what a college must achieve to continue

Action Plan

Overall, I am new to this but my action plan would be to apply all I have learned today and apply it to my normal day working in my field. 

Ready to kick-off the new journey!

Upon completion of the new agent license lessons, I've obtainted comprehensive knowledge regarding recruitment and admissions in the state of Ohio. It's important to keep in mind some vital rules such as no guranteeing employement opportunites after graduation and exaggerating facts duiring recruiting prospective students. It's our joint responsibilites to creat open-up, fair and motivating environment for both schools and students.


I was able to obtain a lot of new knowledge from the course that I did not know before hand. I feel more comfortable in my job position now because of the knowledge I was able to learn.

Best Practices

I continue to train with the admissions team as well as our academic team to provide the most updated information on our programs. I feel that knowledge is the key to providing the most accurate information to prospetive students. 

Refreshers Indeed Refresh!

The Ohio Faculty and Staff Compliance Course OH110 is a great tool to brush up on compliance areas and issues that do not arise very often in our school. It is easy to forget knowledge that is rarely utilized. The only "downside" to the course is the time spent concenring federal financial aid and Title IV of the HEA. Ou school does not accept federal financial aid. However, the other federal laws within that concern telemarketing and Can/Spam are of value. Overall a good refresher experience. 

Ohio compliance

This was a required course for me to take by my school.  Since I am not involved with Admissions or Administration it was informative and I learned alot.


This course did not help me be a better instructor for our students. We should always aim to help our students more.

Compliance for Schools!

Great Program to take! Learned about about Career Services.


Why is accreditation important

New to Teaching

i found this to be very helpful in realizing how i can improve on my own soft skills.

New Instructor

I am a new instructor and found this information very helpful because I was not aware of the accreditation rules. This will be helpful moving forward in my career. 


I feel the course has ooutlined eveything that I need to know 

Annual Training

I think it's good that annual training is required for Title IX coordinators.  It pointed out to me that we need to better identify whether instructors are responsible reporters, and I checked in the ASR to confirm that our standard of evidence is preponderance of the evidence.

A lot of information doesn't change from year to year, but it's good to be refreshed annually.

Good Common Sense Information

The testing and information was good as a reminder of what some may have forgot about policy, procedures and rules of compliance concerning admissions.


This training was a useful tool. It's important to take first before filing. It will make things much easier than starting from scratch. Cheers


Hello classmates

Hope all is well and you are enjoying the journey!

For every action there is a reaction, carefully plan




Hello classmates, I hope all is well! Allow integrity to be your guide.


Best to all!