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Generational Students

Reflecting upon our student population - some students gravitate to their own generation and others gravitate to fellow students regardless of their ages who can work in a team atmosphere in order to achieve an objective (grades). I believe that this second group is mature in their approach to education and working in the real world. What if your immediate supervisor is from another generation - does that mean you can't interact professionally with this person? Hopefully this wouldn't be the case, but I'm sure that there are many "Gen X" or "Gen Y" managers who supervise "Boomers".

yes, we are seeing an increasing generational diversity in the workforce & often the younger generations are supervising the older. The key is to realize we can all learn something from others, regardless of their generation.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

This has helped me understand my students much better, I like the differant aproches discussed.
I wish I could do more with technology in my school but they limit use to what the corperat policy is. and that could take many years to get authorization to make any changes to S.O.P for all campuses.

I completely agree that all generations can learn from one another. I attempt in all my classes to get the entire class to talk to one another, get to know one answer and work together. I stress the fact that you have to have the ability to work with "anyone" and work for "anyone". Acceptance of each other is what will keep them working together and making progress.


this is a great lesson for the students to learn as we have more generations in the work place today than ever.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

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