Sharon Frederick

Sharon Frederick

About me


After reading this section, I have more interest in Gen Y from an instructor perspective. Even though I am not from this generation, I wouldn't relate well to a talking head lecturing from the front of a classroom. I can see value in the various technologies to motivate students (and also their instructors). Instead of rote lecturing, how exciting to develop new lesson plans and projects so the teacher is actually motivated along with the students.
I find it interesting that many students prefer usage of text or e-mail rather than speaking on the telephone. The response is on their time schedule rather than an immediate conversation with me. I hope speaking face-to-face or on the telephone doesn't become obsolete for the next generation (Gen Z)! Do they even sell stationary or envelopes for letters (not the typical paper used in computers)? Handwriting is also evolving into utilizing computers. Probably the reason that hiring managers can't read job applications and request that forms be completed online.
Reflecting upon our student population - some students gravitate to their own generation and others gravitate to fellow students regardless of their ages who can work in a team atmosphere in order to achieve an objective (grades). I believe that this second group is mature in their approach to education and working in the real world. What if your immediate supervisor is from another generation - does that mean you can't interact professionally with this person? Hopefully this wouldn't be the case, but I'm sure that there are many "Gen X" or "Gen Y" managers who supervise "Boomers".
I personally am a "Boomer", but find that I can relate and work well with other generations. Perhaps I am just young at heart! But all of us have had experiences whether it is with students or staff where generations clash! This course has provided me with concrete reasons and explanations why this occurs and the information has been very helpful in understanding other generations. I intend to continue to be the "fun" grandmother to my six-year old grandson! By the way, who names the generations? I wonder what other designations they have in store for us!

I try to determine if any students are prone to non-participation because they feel bullied or because other students might make fun of them. I actually had an adult student who was very social with classmates and seemed to be an extrovert, but when asked to provide a verbal report to the class he practically fainted! This was a wake up call for me - I never would have believed that this student would become so stressed to present in front of other students! I thought he was joking! Many students aren't fond of speaking in front of others -… >>>

Discussion Comment
Many students have an unrealistic view of their employment opportunities upon graduation. They are quickly brought back to earth once they start working and their expectations are in line with their experience and background. Many don't realize that supervisory employees are in their current positions through hard work and receiving job promotions after working many years for the same organization. Nothing comes easy and there is no recipe for instant success in the work place - just through hard work and dedication!
Discussion Comment

I found this section particularly interesting and valuable since we just completed our annual graduation ceremony and, as always, it was a wonderful event. I'm fortunate to have a co-worker who has taken ownership of this activity and it is always successful. Not all our graduates are able to return for the ceremony - they may have relocated to another state or perhaps are working and cannot take the day off. To see the faces of the students, their friends, and family members is something that I want to be involved with on a regular basis! It is so rewarding… >>>

My campus has a student leadership team that mentors new and current students in various aspects of their education during their time on campus. They look out for students who are having difficulty in their courses and tutor them in various subjects. They also are our eyes and ears in the classroom and encourage their fellow classmates to become involved in student activities. It is no wonder that they are looked up to by both staff and students!

I work at a culinary college and a campus tour is certainly a wake up call to those prospective students who are enthralled by the Food Network! You will not be leisurely working in a designer kitchen wearing whatever you have in your closet or desire to wear that particular day! This is a demanding profession and unfortunately many students are not physically or mentally fit to handle the rigors of this career. I know that I couldn't do it! A campus tour brings students back to the reality of this career - they see current students working at stoves/ovens… >>>

We have student appreciation days (tacos, hot dogs, popcorn, water, soda, etc.). We also have private study rooms where students can prepare for exams in groups (very popular). It's nice to see students supporting each other during stressful testing times!

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