Thankfully I have not had students who are overpowering dominators or intimidators. I also try very hard to make expectations and policies clear from the beginning. I have certainly had lots of experience with "noisy" students and those who are more avoidant. I apreciate how this module spells out clear suggestions for dealing with all of the identified challenges. One big challenge in the environment I am teaching in is that students have had unclear expectations as nobody realized the Covid online situation would go on for so long. These students never planned to do e-learning and are really struggling with balancing work, family, and the inherent psychosocial difficulties we are all facing under the Covid crisis. The behavioral strategies in this module are helpful for existing students and those we are welcoming next month who fully understand they will begin online. I think it is different when students choose online learning versus being thrust into it unexpectedly, and setting the tone for expectations clearly from day one will be very helpful.