Common Instructor Mistakes:
The most important thing about instructor mistakes, is that we are human & mistakes will happen. Be sure to not dwell on them, but learn from them. Use humor to explain how it occurred & talk about correcting it. Be real with my students. Be sure to “Laugh at myself”.
Things to keep in mind are:
- Create a positive instructor image. Be sure to reflect an image of a professional who is successful in industry, as the students are striving for this as well. Show care in them. Do not share personal issues, or compare theirs to yours.
- Manage the class. Be sure to establish a routine & set a procedure for class. Be in charge, be sure to remember student names as soon as possible & establish the rapport the 1st day of class.
- Avoid new instructor worries. Be sure to be prepared, don’t be afraid to ask for help, strive for organization.
- Be sure to strive for solutions !! Make note of mistakes, & review them the next time you teach it to build from those mistakes, & not repeat them.