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Old Dog, New Tricks

Hi Mike,

I realized how many typos my posting had as I reviewed both my posting and your response. I truly appreciate your feedback as I will use this coupled with the information and knowledge I gained from the course.

There are several other issues I have with an instructor who is so hung up on discipline and control that the weaker students or those who may not have great social skills file complaints against him that he is picking on them or they may say that, 'he's doing too much' or 'its not that serious.' These are comments from a younger set of students who may lack discipline, did not make it through high school or didn't have the right guidance during their formative or even teenage years.

I am looking for ways to help this instructor understand that there are times with a particular student in a class of 15-20, that I may not call the student's shortcomings out in front of the class or try to reprimand or discipline in front of others. I would speak with the student during a break or after class. The student may also feel that they are being picked on, but this particular type of student is challenging to have in any class. 

Is there an opportunity to hear a discussion or webinar on dealing with and disciplining challenging students?

Would you be available to speak?

i understand that email addresses and titles with school names should not be left in the discussuons but I would like to get more feedback from you.

Thanks again.


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