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I have been trtying to find a dermatoligist to come speak to my class but have been unsucessful so far, the class is only 7 days so taking a field trip wouldn't go over well with administration unless I could get them into the burn unit but they, the hospital, are highly unlikely to approve 20 students trapsing through their unit - I know I wouldn't be happy about that happening if I were working there. Sorry if I sound negative I'm just a little frustrated that all of these wonderful ideas seem out of reach. I'm teaching skin - its function, it's parts, its diseases, issues, and treatments there's a ton of stuff that could be taught and I wish I knew someone with an expertise in this area to help me bring it to life. I have found some great pictures but nothing beats war stories from the trenches or really exciting hands on activities to liven things up only I can't think of any activities to have them do.

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