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We're all in this together!

I think all staff and faculty members in a college need to "Walk a Mile" in the shoes of a co-worker to truly appreciate what they do. We recently completed just that at our campus, and I think everyone gained a new respect for others.

Morale is critical in a school--because our customers (students) sense a positive or negative atmosphere, we have the potential to keep them with our attitudes--or watch them slip away because we haven't created the right environment.


It is great that your school allowed you and your co-workers to take that walk. Too often, silos keep departments apart and competition over numbers and resources leads to poor attitudes and a dysfunctional team.

I think too often people are too focused on their own problems and busy lives; when we learn to really talk to students and listen to their life experiences, we can realize that everyone adds value to a class and all students' points-of-view are valid.

Something that has really helped to create unity in my writing classes is asking students to share their papers from time-to-time. It gets the studetns talking, and they know that I, as their instructor, value their work enough to ask them to share it with their peers.

Thanks, Jane. We need to create opportunities for students to interact and build relationships with each other. The community we build will help students and the school reach the goals we set.

Everybody that works at the school must have one single goal....our students success.

The school must act like a team....if this occurs and everyone is on the same page, retention will follow. One person that is not doing their job or does not care, will create a hole that can have a negative impact/ If everyone is there for the right reasons, everything else will fall into place

Thanks, Linda.

I like to tell my team that we all play a role in admissions, academics, career services and financial aid. A negitive person in any job title makes all of our jobs more difficult.

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