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teaching style

one of the things that must be remembered is not every one gets it the first time and sometimes not the third time be patient show different avenues of learning to get the same results In other words show different ways to get the same results Use different teachins styles take in new ideas talk with the students to see how they learn best don't be afraid to make mistakes but learn from them.

Modifying teaching styles in the classroom is important as everyone has a learning style preference. This is also applicable to orientation programs. Information should be presented in multiple formats to reach visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners.

Sometimes, we forget what it was like to be a student. The fear, the apprehension, and the self-doubt, no matter the intellect, can create self-sabotage for students early on.

My experience watching my oldest son enroll in college this year was a wake-up call that reminded me of the insecurity many students feel when first beginning college. The worry of expectations and whether they are suited for college is extreme.

I feel this course has brought many of these issues to light again.

Great point, Dara. This is relative to orientation as well.

Orientation should be designed in a way that attracts all students no matter the learning style.

One item I found to be quite interesting throughout this module was that we could place orientation within the online courses as well simply by posting threads in the discussion weekly to ask how the students are doing or what questions exist.


I agree.I dont tell them how something is done.I let them show me the problem and slowly guide them to the answer,the right way do do this task,this way they remember and feel more confident in themselves.

I instruct at a technical school, which to me has advantages with material presentation. The information is delivered in classroom in multiple ways, but the biggest retention tool that we have is actual demonstrations of subject during lab time. While in lab you can literally see the "light bulbs" come on as they see what was discussed in class demonstrated.

Good deal. Yes, the actual demonstration is one way to confirm that what is being said to prospective students matches with reality in the lab. Thanks for sharing.


Confidence is key. They need to believe that they are able to do what we say they will do. This makes their goal of finding a job in the related field obtainable.

I agree, the more confident a student comes away from a learning situation, the longer the skill will be remembered

How can you achieve this? Mentoring?

Dr. B

I work as a student mentor in a technical school. I have to agree with your observations. I speak with students on a daily basis who are filled with self doubt. This self doubt shows itself in a number of ways. Many times it leads to inaction on the part of the student. They act as though they are paralyzed and unable to begin the process of improvement. Much of what I do is express my confidence in their ability to succeed. They first have to believe in themselves.

Agreed. So, an effective wy to improve confidence is the use of self-concept building statements in advising sessions... and even in grading papers. Does this make sense?

Dr. B

I have found that some students may have a different learning style. Also each class may have a different learning style. Some students and some classes my have to be taught in a different way to deliver the information. I have had to change my teaching style many times.

Remember it is about learning, not teaching. So, what is teaching? Thoughtful decision making about how best students can learn the materials. Changing teaching style is what will help students to learn... learning builds confidence. And, confidence equates to retention.

Dr. B

I agree and I'm sure many of us that are currently teaching have done the same, and that is adjusting our teaching style according to our students needs.

Why? Mainly, the idea is to connect and build a relationship. If students trust you, they will tend to stay. Adjusting learning styles is one way of connecting, too.

Dr. B

One of the things I repeatedly tell students is enjoy your mmistakes. That's why you are here. We all learn by making mistakes(hopefully!)and I do not hesitate to t ell the students all the mistakes I made during my chef career in an effort to maybe keep them from making the same mistakes.

You are right... we learn more from our mistakes. Trouble is, students don't want to feel stupid. So, the idea is to give them self-concept building feedback. For example, "you are amazing at X and Y. To improve, you could do Z." Does this make sense?

Dr. B

I may have to change teaching style on daily basis. The personality of the class changes daily; what motivated them yesterday may not work today.

I agree. I work in the Registrar's office and work with many students daily. I found that listening to what their need is and hearing what they say, helps me fiure out how to navigate them through different scenarios to a solution, if any.

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