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Late enrollments

It is verey important to spend some one one on one time with a student that may have missed the first day.

Some times it might be difficult to find the time to spend with a student who missed the first day or orientation. Maybe allotting some time for absent or late students when the schedule is written could help.

I agree that it is important to spend time with students that have missed orientation but it is also difficult to arange a time that is convinient for the student and facualty memeber.

The first day is one of the most important days. The students are reminded of the rules and regulations,what is expected of them, and also interaction between student and faculty. It creates a bridge between the first day of school and their complete training.
If the student misses that first day, it's important that they are told the ramifications of their actions. They need to realize that they are required to reach the level of competence of the rest of the class.

Late enrollments are a problem for the instructors. The student is behind at the very start. I have had students enrolled in my class up to one week after the start of the class. This does not help the student. I give the student the information about the class and what I expect from them. I also tell them that since they are late getting started that the assignments they are behind can be turned in with no late points taken off. This does help them and seems to allow them to get into the flow of the class better.


You are certainly correct, late enrollments--especially a week behind--really start off behind. It takes a dedicated student to make up the assignments while keeping up with the current ones.


They do need to know the ramification of not being in class the first day or two,they will have to reach the level of the other students, this can be very challenging to some.

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