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Classroom as a lab...

we cook. It is sometimes difficult to translate the theory of cooking into practice. It is essential to the success of my students to allow my classroom to be an open lab where mistakes and successes are allowed to happen freely. We acentuate both prospectives and use them as teaching moments.

I teach Make-up and like Cooking, we do alot of hands-on lab work, i think with any 'art-form' wether its Cooking, Makeup application or Styling Hair, they all require alot of learning from trial and error as its not like Math that has an absolute answer the every student arrives at.


...and as art forms, you have a wonderful opportunity to reinforce student work and inspire them!

Susan Backofen

I tell my students on day one that I consider the classroom as a lab for the workplace and reinforce the message several times. In the workplace they must (1)look right (always have the correct scrubs on every day), (2) speak right (no 'magic' words or demeaning comments), and (3) act right (only behave in a way that is respectful of everyone). Whenever I have to reinforce an individual student, I always ask if their looks, words, or actions would be appropriate in front of their boss and how would the boss respond. The usual response is that they would expect to be fired. I also emphasize that it is a lab and this is a good time to learn from mistakes.


Excellent! Making the classroom a real work environment is so important and really helps prepare them for their career. Behavior, appearance and interpersonal skills are critical to job success. It is important that we teach these as well.

Susan Backofen

I agree. right from the geginning I let the students know that they will make mistakes, Just as longas the learn from them and do not get discouraged they will do just fine. Read the home work reading assigmnents & with practice the students will be OK.

I teach baking and pastry. I totally understand where you are coming from. I explain on day one to students, if they knew everything about baking they would not be in my classroom/kitchen. I tell them they should feel free to make mistakes and understand if they do make a mistake. That there ia always a lesson to be learned.

I agree that we must choose to not only celebrate success but to also learn from the mistakes. Its ok to make cooking mistakes as long as the students undertsnad why they made those mistakes so they can learn what not to do next time.

I agree. And also recipes are a guidline not always written in stone (unless it is a corporate standard that is not negotiable).

I agree, Learning is all about make mistakes sometimes as long as you learn from them.

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