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First day of class

Faculty should introduce self and novel way to have students introduce and share with class to start the class support system quickly. Syllabus, class rules, should be spelled out clearly. You can discard items from the first days instructions, but difficult to add sometimes.


You are absolutely correct that it is better to be 'over prepared' for the first day than under--making the first day's class activities informational and useful is so important to making students feel comfortable and preparing them for the rest of the class.


I totally agree, the entire semester's expectations needs to be established on the first day. Otherwise you will be forced to accomodate many undefined situations.


The first day is filled with the unknown. The fear of this unknown can be relieved completely with an outline of clear expectations. The student knows what to expect, how to prepare, how he/she will be evaluated, who their classmates are, and an opportunity to establish a rapport with their instructor.
I even give an oral quiz day two about day one! It is fun to do this in groups as a bit of a contest. It prevents a lot of class time spent on questions later in the course.

On the first day of class, I have packets prepared with information that they will used during their first quarter. I have the syllabus, the classroom policies, assignment policies, and a calendar. I, also, include information on trade publications.

I have a preprinted spreadsheet for the students to write their email address and phone number. This is typed up and given to each student(I ask permission to share).

Typically the first day of class, we obviously review the material for class, syllabi, etc. However, we spend a few moment review concepts from the previous class to bring the student back to learning and discussion mode.

I find that it is alot easier to set the rules on day-one, then later on. I also find it helpfull to get the students to make their own email list, so they start to bond quickly.

Many of the students' phone numbers have changed during the course of a semester. I encourage the students to share contact info with each other. As we all know due to confidentiality, we cannot take it upon myself to share the student info with the class. Several times the I have asked the students to reach out to fellow classmates, when I have been unsuccessful reaching them.


Good observation. Students are much more likely to reach out virtually.

Susan Backofen


This also builds great peer group support. Good job!

Susan Backofen

Packets are a FANTASTIC idea. I provide my students with all of the above as well. I also include a calendar of homework assignments for the quarter which works out really well as far as the student being prepared and turning in assignments ON TIME.


Great idea! It would definitely help them to plan their time.

Susan Backofen

I agree. On the first day of my class I always welcome the students to the school and let them know that if there is anything that I can do for them just to let me know. I introduce myself and tell them about my experience in the field. I hand out a Course Outline and Syllabus. We go over it as a class along with class rules, homework assignments and how the class is graded. I make sure that the class understands these rules and regulations and answer any questions or concerns. You need to make them feel comfortable and get them motivated to learn.


Ensuring that everyone understands the format of the class is very important. It takes a lot of the fear of the unknown away. Great job!


I like the idea of the quiz regarding the first day. It's a lot of information and if they know there is a quiz it will help keep them engaged.

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