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Encourage our students to be competent and interested in learning and succeeding. Encourage them to do their best and ask for help when necessary.

That is a good point . we have the students attention on the first day of class and we tell them about the importance of asking for help and not being embarraced about it as they are all here to learn. The encouragement to ask questions might not get all of the class involved however it may get enough so that all questions can be covered.

I teach online and so I don't have any face to face interaction with the student. I encourage them in every assignment, every email and every handout to ask questions. I tell them that no question is unimportant. Sometimes they tell me they feel they should know the answer and feel stupid asking for help. You have to make them feel that they are important and that no question, however, small or insignificant is dumb or stupid. Many times I answer questions in discussion rooms so that all students who might be afraid to ask will get the answers they need.

we should always "push" our students to do thier best and let them know when they have done good.

This is an excellent point, Linda. I teach online as well, and it can be a challenge to make sure students are asking for help when they need it. I have found that sending them comments about the good job they are doing often gets them to at least connect with me. I've had students use the words, "sorry to bother you . . . " when they email me with questions, so I always make sure to tell them it is certainly not a bother and that's what I'm there for, to work together with them and help them succeed.

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