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Idea for retention

I have found that in some cases that if you have a student(s) that are understanding the topic better then other is kinda turn them into tutors. It makes them feel a little better about them selves and there learning if there helping there peers crasp the concept of the class room.

Do you have a formal process to engage these tutors or is this a rather spontaneous action? Have you had students reject the opportunity to help their peers?

I agree. Students also learn more when they teach or show other.s

I would agree provided the "tutor" is able to keep up with their own work. Many times the student that could act as a tutor can't afford to spend time tutoring as they are busy trying to complete their "other" tasks or projects.

Selecting a student to serve as a tutor is both an honor and responsibility. Hopefully, both parties have a thorough understanding about the commitment and the student has the opportunity to temporarily suspend their participation when their personal work load doesn't allow him/her to properly perform the job.

It has been said that teaching is a direct path to mastery. It is almost impossible to tutor someone on a subject that you don't thoroughly understand.

I do this process also. I know that sometimes a different perspective can provide some insight to the situation.

I think this is good thing to do.

I agree in many cases when students who understand the concepts will then turn and help other students (though not in all cases). I find that this varies from class to class as in some classes I will have a good sizable percentage of students who are interested and stay with the course, while in other classes, making sure students come to class and remain becomes more difficult. Since I tend to teach classes near the end of the program, it may have to do with past experiences in other classes and/or influence from instructors.

Do you have any idea why sections have different "personalities"? Is it purely random or are there defining issues?

i agree this has work great for me.the student that is having trouble sometimes can open up more to a friend than to a teacher.

Crreating students friendly envirement and indivigual effort from the instructors indeed very helpful to keep students in thier classes

And it may be that their friend is able to "get on their wave length" and present the information in a slightly different way that resonates with the struggling student.

On my class, right on the beginning, I explain the student on value of support and communication. They communicate among each other, help understand the lesson, the set goal to achieved each task, also they feel not alone tackling the job or goals. I believed it help them stay focus, knowing they are not alone, they build peers effective support groups.

Do your students work collaboratively or are they evaluated individually? Do you reward students who take greater responsibility? How do you handle students who don't willingly work with their peers?

I agree completely. Good experiences encourage students to talk to their friends about it, further promoting word-of-mouth satisfaction for the insitution.

allowing our students to ask their question and answering it in a manner that they feel comfortable and keep commiunicating with them as often as possible will be graet help

Encouraging students to help their classmates not only builds confidence for that individual, but allows the student to take ownership of his/her success. Have you found student's who accept this role more successful academically?

I find that if you show a student that you care about their success and share personal experiences common to theirs that they will be much more likely to stay in school.

Do you have any particularly effective ways of showing students that you care about their success?

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