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Mystery Shoppers

Mystery Shoppers at our institution are common. It actually keeps the staff on their toes. Every new potential student is viewed as a Mystery Shoppers. So to make sure that we always bringing our "A Game" we provide always the best customer service possible from the moment that individual enters the door the till the moment that they are hired by an employer. Not to mention we hate negative reviews even though they are positively charged for our benefit.

Excellent awareness! Mystery shops can provide a lot of insight to help you become the best you can be!

Dr. Jean Norris

To my thinking, if you treat every new / potential student as a Mystery Shopper, it's a crutch to the actual new / potential student. Treat everybody the same, you would have a more realistic approach. How much time is wasted in the "Could this be a Mystery Shopper" vs giving everybody the same treatment???

Roy, Excellent point! Treating everyone the same is a best practice.
Dr. Jean Norris

Roy, Excellent point! Treating everyone the same is a best practice.
Dr. Jean Norris

I totally agree with this! I have been in Admissions for over 10 years and if you treat every student as if they were a "mystery shopper" you are ensuring that you are always providing the most accurate information to your students which in turn provides the best customer service.

Amy, Excellent service is not turned on for one person or the other, thank you for sharing!
Dr. Jean Norris

I am not aware of mystery shoppers in class or clinical settings. We do have prospective new students touring often with admission personnel. When it is possible and not interfering with presentation time, they are made welcome and invited to ask questions.

Angela, You are correct you won't typically find mystery shoppers past the admissions process. Do you feel each prospective student should be treated like a Mystery Shopper?
Dr. Jean Norris

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