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Student Complaints

The state must have a process to review and appropriately act on complaints concerning the institution. What process has your institution put in place to resolve student complaints?

We conduct Student Surveys every term. Although they may remain anonymous, anyone that attaches their name is encourage to speak with our Campus President. He has an open door policy and he makes it known at every orientation. All students are given a student handbook which is refered to by our instructors at the onset of any complaint.

a stop gap is put into place to ensure that all students know who and where to go to lodge their dissatisfaction or complaints.I believe that student dissatisfactions comes from students not being properly aware of the process , so process is strongly reinforces on our campus.

When a student brings a complaint to me, I always take the time to listen to their whole story. However, since there are usually at least two sides to every story, it is important to direct the student to the proper person within the school. Usually I walk with the student to the correct authority on the situation and act as a buffer, so that the student's emotions won't become a hinderance to the problem being resolved properly. As a whole, our school has a very well defined chain of command to deal with student complaints-culminating with the Campus President.

Todd - I think you have a good approach one handling these situations.

Jimmie - great point! Sometimes students get frustrated because they do not understand what steps they need to take to convey their concerns. Having a clear process communicated should reduce complaints and ensure that those that are presented are done so with the proper protocols to be seen and reviewed by the proper authorities.

we have student survey's that the students complete on a regular bassis to identify any concerns and complaints so that we may resovle them accordingly

John - I think surveys are a great way to get feedback from students. I'm glad to hear your commitment for resolution. I have seen some schools diligently adminster the survey but not take action on the feedback which can lead to further frustration.

We, too, give students surveys on things that we can improve. The President and the Acedemic Dean has also put in place an 'Open Door Policy'by keeping their door ajar for students.

set forth all guidelines to make sure everyone understand the processes that are in place.

The process my institution had put in place to resolve student complains was emailing/contacting the students on a two week to monthly bases to make sure they were happy or if not, what changes could made. What was most important was that the instiution listened to the students and see what they had to say.

In the organization that I work for we have a chain of comand. If for any reason I'm unable to assist them then they are directed to my manager and so forth. I always try to have an open and constistant communincation with everyone including the students.

All student complaints are brought to the attention of the Director of Student Services and The Campus President. All formal complaints must be in writing. Before a response is sent to the student it must be approved by Home Office. All complaints are handled in a timely manner.

I agree with Todd. I take the time to meet with the student so they know that it is important to me to resolve their issue. I then direct them to the proper person who can assist them with their concerns.

I totally agree with Todd, we have a similar process established at our campus.

Students are encouraged to use their chain of command in such incidents. We prefer things get handled at the lowest level possible however; if a student feels that the issue is still unresolved then they can speak with the next level of authority. Personally I try to listen first, often times most misunderstandings arise from from ineffective communication. I then repeat back what I think the student said and from there we try to come to some resolve to ensure that the issue is avoided in the future.

We openly available to resolve any issues with students. We offer many contacts for students to talk to regarding complaints. They can speak to instructors and or the program director. If they feel this issue is not resolved they are welcome to meet with the campus president at any point in time. If there is a specific question or issue that has to do with a department such as Career Services or Financial Aid they may speak to there rep also. We think communication is a strong factor when understanding students needs and we remain open to helping students.

I agree with he use of a chain of command approach to provide students with levels of escalation for resolution. This gives the student confidence that a matter is "seen" from high levels while also empowering each level of authority to take appropriate action.

The complaint would be discussed with the director.

I believe we have a chain, the educator will speak with the student, then if it can't be handled they will be referred to student services, from there the asst. director, then director. Most of the time, it's taken care of by then. The head office is also availible to take complaints.

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