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Defining Career Behaviors | Origin: LC130

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Developing Soft Skills in CTE  --> Defining Career Behaviors

What are some of the definitions of soft skills which need to be clarified? Take a few minutes to post your response and learn more from your peers.

Behaviors (what can be observed ) can be changed with focus and structure. Values and beliefs are invisible and stem from experiences. 

Definitions needing clarification could include: citizenship, motivation, adaptablity. These definitions often are not accompanied within curriculum and we need to teach vocabulary as well as the skill so students know to what extent these skills go to. 

Some definitions of soft skills that need to be clarified are perseverance and character.  There are so many definitions of character that there needs to be specification of which traits to focus on for the soft skill.  Wth perseverance, there needs to be a specified way to measure the soft skill based on specified criteria.

Some definitions that need more clarification include creativity, social facility and observation. These need to have more defined criteria in order to evaluate.

I think along with clarification of some of the soft skills, there needs to be ways to evaluate them. There is a lot of emphasis on teachers teaching those soft skills but not a lot of activities or resources that teachers can use to evaluate. Most of the time it is based on observation, peer reviews, and scenario work.


Terms like citizenship, empathy, and self-advocacy are thrown around with abandon. They may mean different things to different people. In fact, the differences can be significant enough to cause conflict. When communicating about "soft skills" it is important to define these things with clarity. 

When I think about this younger generation (not trying to send like a "get off my lawn" guy) I think we need to better define "communication" and "perseverance".  Especially on the communication side.  So many people think they are good at communicating, but drop the ball on follow up etc.  

They have been called soft skills, durable skills, 21st century skills among others. This all seems like a way for differnt organizations to market and monitize trainings. It is essential that the behaviors or skills are clearly defined so people communicating about them usuing differnt titles can come to a mutual understanding. 

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