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I think it is important to get in the habit of checking prospective student, or inquiry, phone numbers against the DO NOT CALL registry. It is easy to overlook this at times when we are calling through a database of inquiries, but it is important to respect the wishes of the prospective student.
By violating this policy, not only can there be formal consequences for the institution, but there can also be consequences for the institution's reputation.
However, I do have a question about this policy. If a student requests information from our institution, but their number is on the DNC registry, what are the guidelines for following up with this student?


If the student requested the information then you need to start out by verifying that this number was listed as the do not call and verify its validity. Mistakes do happen.

Patty Aronoff

I don't understand if a student is requesting information about your school. Why would I check the do not call list? I am not cold calling the student.

Sonise ,
It appears that clarification would be in order. If they initiated the lead, you would need to verify why the do not call.

Patty Aronoff

Does every institution need an account setup
with the national Do not call registry?

Respecting DNC is beyond important. Yes, our goal is to get in contact with the students to assist them in there educational need. However, we must also respect there privacy since thing do tend to change every day for many prospects.

It is very important to respect the do not call. They have given you invitation not to contact and your school loses credibility if they ignore that warning.

Patty Aronoff


Check with the Florida Department of state. They oversee consumers in the state of Florida.

Patty Aronoff

Many prospects forget what they filled out or what they clicked on the web. You may also be the 20th person to call him or her that day. Generally assume you are not the first to make contact.


Great advice! We never know who has called or made contact prior to us. The Internet today brings many leads to our door. it is finding the quality ones that make a difference.

Patty Aronoff

There was a training that we attended this year at our institution specifically related to the national DNC list. I have to search through my records, but I could have sworn there were very specific regulations related to DNC lists and requirements by marketing teams on language and authorizations for calling, texting, etc.
From what I recall, if an individual inquires they are authorizing someone to be in contact. They have to specifically authorize for texting as well.
When it comes to internal call lists and not the national DNC, you should from a service standpoint maintain records and update them if someone request that you DNC them. If they request you to DNC you have 16 days to make that change in your database. Is anyone aware of this same information?

The student may have been looking for a job and mistakenly filled out information stating he was looking into schools. This is a common mistake and students often ask to be put on the DNC list for this reason @sdautruche :

@sdautruche : often than not. students may request information or be part of different types of marketing and then decided that they do not want to receive calls. by law, once a DNC is requested. you can not call the student

@rwogrodnik I have found some do request to be put on the DNC but they do change their mind. Unfortunately depending on the demographics of your students things can change dramatically.

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