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CIE website for review

Bookmark the CIE website to stay current on all compliance issues.

Florida Department of Education

Florida Department of Education website helps student, educators, parents and professionals working in the education industry with a very importan and updated information.  


The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) is a private nonprofit organization [501(c)(3)] that helps expand students’ access to educational opportunities and ensure more efficient, consistent, and effective regulation of distance education programs.

Why NC-SARA Matters:
Improves distance education program quality nationwide.
Makes it easier for students to access distance education programs across state lines.
Reduces costs and bureaucracy for states and institutions.
Improves coordination between states on higher education opportunities.
Provides valuable oversight of distance education programs.
Shares out-of-state learning experience data like clinical hours and practice teaching.


** The above description was copy/pasted from the>>>

Florida Compliance

Informative training 


Uncommon Thinking for the Common Good™

EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education through the use of information technology.

Useful website to use as a tool

use your head!

do what is the best for a student not for yourself

Pushing Boundaries

I have seen new reps from different marketing backgrounds try to create their own marketing information. I am so glad that through this type training they can see its not compliant action unless approved by HQ AND upper Management.


Some of the questions were confusing as to does the admissions role discuss this or is the institution as a whole to need address this?

admissions agent

when would a license apply? Outside only?

visit the school

the best way to see or find out what the school does or provide is to visit the web site