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Compliance is key. You can never be too compliant!

Let integrity and ethical behavior be your guide.

I have learned new regulations and laws! It's very interesting...

Thanks for the feedback. You have just added more to your credentials!


I was aware of my responsibilities as an agent of my university prior to taking this training. However, the importance of my licensure has been reinforceda and I have found new resources to help me do my job better.

I always knew that agents requirements were important, but did not realize how extensive they were. My biggest take away from this course will be to keep myself updated with all the rules and regulations, and to know what is happening at the campus as far as program changes and requirements.

My thoughts and feelings about the Agent's requiremeents is that it is very important for me to know about everything that goes on in my institution like this I can help the prospective students, my co-worker and most important myself, because if will help me feel more confident of what I'm doing.

I would go to a training no matter where it's located because there is always somothing new in the market regarding the schools and we have to keep up-dated specially if you have a beauty school which has something new coming out every day.

You are right on target! The industry is changing every minute and it shows your school is right there with the newest trends.

It was very informative and I now understand my process in more detail.

Thank you for your comments.

There is alot more that i thought i needed to know but this is a positive thing since the more i know the more effective i will be in doing my admissions.

I feel very excited and also surprised about the various regulations and rules that go into the admissions process. Even more so the fact that I am now aware of the standards.

There are a lot of things to discuss with prospective students and now I know to create a checklist of everythig I need to do.

very educational and informant now i know to stay on top of the florida regulations to maintain an up to date notebook.

I feel that an agent is responsible for a lot of things & they must really keep updated in order to provide the prospective student with the most accurate information.

My thoughts on being an agent and what they must know is actually pretty extensive. I didn't think it was so diverse on the rules and regulations but does make sense because alot of this does have to do with the disbursement of title 4 funds which is government money and can't be used negatively as these funds are our tax money. it does make sense for us to keep to date on the regulations as these are always changing.

Thank you for the feedback. Good luck!

I agree with you Sarah, each institution should have meetings pertaining to updates in the laws that govern the education department or new regulations.

I know a whole lot more about specifics. I did have a basic overview of what we should do and not do, however, now I know a lot more about the specifics.

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