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I have the largest problem with seperating the two. I guess I feel that all Managers should be Leaders. It's a balance of the two that can make the difference.

Does anyone else have a problem seperating the two as I do? What practices can I put in place to make certain I am balancing the two?

Carol, Great questions! We agree you need both. What are some of the strengths you have for both managing and leading?
Dr. Jean Norris

I agree that there is a combination of both traits. You can manage people and may not be a strong leader. A leader may not hold a manager position but while leading is still in charge of the group for that period of time. A leader may even lead a manager in a specific instance. A good manager will recognize their strong leaders and utilize them.

Great observations, Mark! Leaders must be able to influence a group toward accomplishing its goals, and leaders are NOT always managers!

Dr. Jean Norris

I can relate to what you are saying, I always thought of myself as a manager without ever considering that a good manager must also have leadership skills.

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