Carol Chavez

Carol Chavez

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Many people have been the subject of being stereotypes. I believe everyone is the same no matter what walk of life they come from. We may not all do things in the same way, but yet we still manage to get the task done. It's kind of like the old saying... You can't judge the book by its cover...
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Very interesting. I knew of Pictograms but had no idea the history of Universal Design. This was very interesting. Now I understand why all television set have access to captioning built in.
This information was great. I now have a more knowledge on they different types of dissablities there are and how we as an higher educational institution handles the difference. I have now printed out all of the information so that I have the opportunity to reflect back at it as often as I need to.
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Section 504 has helped many students receive the education they deserve. On a personal note my oldest son has several lables "ADD, ADHD and ODD" K-12 turned out to be a great experience for him as well as college. It is good for educators to know and understand these students are only looking for equality. They want to be able to graduate and obtain a position in their chosen career field. They are normal... They are just their normal. I enjoyed this section very much.
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I feel all Admissions Associates should alway be honest to a flaw. If you are unsure of the question being asked the AA should let the prospective student know they do not in fact know the answer to their quesiton, but they will find someone on the campus that does. This way you build crediblity for not only themselves but for the other department as well. It's all about perception to our prospective students.
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I noticed the security disclosure needs to visable somewhere on campus. We have ours posted on the the student board in the main hall but is there somewhere else we could post this? Just looking for ideas. Thanks.
This was a wonderful recap. I enjoyed actually reading the information again. It's always a good idea to refresh yourself and your team on both State and Federal Guidelines. I plan to go over this information with them upon completion of this course. I honestly think there should be quarterly review on all of this material.
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I have the largest problem with seperating the two. I guess I feel that all Managers should be Leaders. It's a balance of the two that can make the difference. Does anyone else have a problem seperating the two as I do? What practices can I put in place to make certain I am balancing the two?

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