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Good description. Seems like you have a good grasp on this content. Move forward and make your rubrics happen! ;-)

Rubrics should contain a scale that designates points, a description of the expectations to reach a certain level, and criteria to reach the standard.


Yes, the criteria and scale are both important. Make sure your rubric is also connected to the learning objectives. I list mine within the rubric itself. Thanks!

I would argue that the basic parts of a rubric includes:

1. A description of each part of the product that is to be created- Descriptors
2. How many points each part is worth- Scales
3. Within each part, content and structure expectations that are being looked for by the professor- criteria
4. The standards that are expected- standards.

scales, descriptors, criteria, and standards.


All important components. Many times the instructor has the most difficulty with the criteria and they are essential components to the rubric. Thanks for your input.

Hello All,

Rubrics are comprised of four main parts which are a scale, descriptors, criteria, and standards.

Scales show how well a student or peer did on a task such as if the task was performed very well or poorly.
Standards indicate how well criteria must be met.
Descriptors show the criteria and standards that will be used to measure performance.
Criteria are used to describe the elements that must be met to be successful.



Good explanation. All of these components are important to the development of a good rubric. Thanks for your input.

The Basic parts of a Rubric include:
SCALE-to measure the level of performance of each of the criteria- there can be different weights for different criteria - (ie) on a scale from exemplary to poor
DESCRIPTORS – Examples of the performance in each level
CRITERIA – Describes the successful performance levels –
STANDARDS – How well the criteria was met
An important learning outcome in the Wine & Beverage class is being able to employ food pairing principles to defend a wine and food pairings. For the capstone project – the menu pairing project - the criteria of Use of Pairing Principles will have a much higher weight (48 pts) then the paper formatting (10 pts)
(ie) Exemplary 48 pts Used 4 principles per course Good 3 pts Used 3 principles per course


Good description of the parts of the rubric. Thanks for sharing. These forums provide a great place to help others.

Dr. Tena Crews,
There seems to be 4 essential parts to a grading rubric. They are a scale, descriptors, criteria, and standards.

A scale indicates the points to be assigned based on quality.

The descriptors describe the criteria and standards by which the work will be judged.

The criteria are the conditions that must be met to complete the assignment successfully.

The standards specify how well the criteria as been met.


Thanks for hitting on all four parts. As we review each other's posts, be learn from a variety of definitions/perspectives.

After reviewing Unit 3 there are four essential elements that are associated with a rubric which include scale, descriptors, criteria, and standards. Is any one of these elements more important compared to the others?

Jay Familant


Some people may argue that the criteria connected to the standards is most important, but they are all important components.

The basic parts of the rubric are the following: scale, descriptor, criteria, and standards. Even though that these are building components all areas are important for the student to understand. As the instructor its also important to be able to capture a measurable outcome when it comes to an assignment and also grading fairly across the board.

Rubrics, has certain basic parts and it relates to the scale example of scoring from 1 - 5.

* Criteria: Identify the specific method and content required.
* Indicators: Specifics on how to arrive at the answer. For example - includes a diagram.
* Standard: Indicates what is needed for each of the scale levels.

This scale is pretty easy to follow but one must develop the verbiage that is clear to the assignment instructions and link them to the terminal course objectives TCO's as well as objectives.

Shirley Chuo

The rubric consist of 4 parts: scale, descriptors, criteria and standards. The scale is the point value or numerical portion of the rubric that shows how many points a student may earn for meeting the measurements of performance. The criteria explains the evaluated components of the assignment. The descriptor explains the criteria and the standards to achieve the levels of measured performance. The standards indicate how the criteria must be met.


Including the objectives within the rubric is beneficial for the students as well. Thanks!


Good description. Thanks for providing the overview. We continue to learn from each other.


Great job. Good description and elaboration on rubrics. This helps others understand them more clearly. Thanks!

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