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Feedback from students

For those of you that have implemented any of these tools in your course room, do you have any student feedback that you are willing to share? For example, I'm curious which tool seems to work the best. I realize it would vary based on need. However, I am wondering if a tool stands out as a top favorite with the students.
Thank you


My students like the instant feedback and they like the ability to access information and for me to push information to their phones.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Hi Michele - the feedback from my students has been varied. It seems each student likes (or dislikes) a different thing! For example, I have tried using Twitter, Facebook, HootCourse, Delicious, Storify, iTunesU and YouTube. For each of these, I have had "lovers" and "haters." Some students love the alternate spaces to connect, some complain that there are so many different sites to visit (note: I usually only employ one site per semester). Some students love the creativity of these sites, while others complain that they are not closely enough connected with course objectives. I think the key, whatever source you use, is explained well in this course. 1) back up whatever you use with clear learning and course objectives; and 2) provide clear scaffolding on how to use the tool in the course, complete with examples, modeling, and a rubric. Good luck!


Thank you for such a great post! You really give a great profile of the tools. You don't want students to think it is busy work and you want to make sure you can evaluate it fairly and students understand how they will be evaluated. Thank you again!

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

There are so many to choose from, and so many ways each choice can find appropriate use! However, as I have discovered, a favorite amongst my students is the introduction of YouTube where lots of relevant content can be utilized, and also Vimeo, where topical relevant content can also be found.
As I teach primarily in the graphic arts area, these two tools seem to hold the greatest interest and hence, the deepest impact when I am teaching specific design theories.


Isn't it nice there are great resources that are available for us to use so we don't have to create it? I will look at Vimeo I haven't used that. I have found when I teach APA there are better resources in YouTube that I could ever do and the are professional looking. Also, publishers have some great "stuff" also.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

I include a blogging section in my classroom and the students absolutely LOVE it!

I provide RAPID FIRE questions in there where they must think quick, or WOULDNTCHA LIKE TO KNOW questions that provide insight/discussion opportunities on hotly debated topics right now, and OPINION POLLS where they interject their opinions on a subject. It's been rather effective and enjoyable.

Dr. Kimberly,

I am going to borrow your blogging techniques. Do you think they work better than the discussion? I think students view them differently.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

I have used YouTube a few times to bring things to the classroom. There are so many too choose from pertaining to our field of study.

For me, it has been my experience that YouTube and Tweeter have had the most significant impact on my class. I often record content sessions for students to review for those that often need verbal explanations to get a better understanding of the course material. As for Tweeter, I often use that to create spur of the moment topic discussions to get students minds going about the current topics we may be discussing throughout the week.

Donna ,

That is true! I actually was thinking about a tutorial for APA usage then I thought; why not check on Youtube. I was so surprised how many there were and were better quality than anything I could create. Now my LMS imports Youtube clips well so I embed them there.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


I really like your use of Twitter. That is the beauty of using technology is you can connect with them anytime, anywhere. It is so crucial to building the learning community. That may be Twitter's best asset.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

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