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Being Present

When I took online courses, the best courses were with instructors who were constantly present. They demonstrated this by giving continual and meaningful feedback to discussions, projects, and reports. They also would create interesting videos doing hands on projects. I felt connected to them and the course material. They also would have the students respond to 2 or 3 other students during a discussion assignment. This way we all felt connected. When the onground portion of the course started, most of us felt like we knew each other because of the discussions. It was a great experience. 

This is the way I would set up my courses for students. Keeping them interested, connected and engaged with good and relevant discussion topics.

Your description of this class was pretty much a template of the way I want to teach an online class. I can only hope for the same glowing endorsement at the end. Thank you


I too think that the small group activities are vital to promoting interaction and interest in students.  I know that when I'm put into a small group in professional development courses the material suddently becomes much more personal! :)


You make lots of good points. When I was reading your comments I felt that a good classroom teacher as well as an online teacher needs to be doing what you have written!


I like the part where you state, "online instructors being present."  When I was taking classes I would always take face to face classes because I knew the instructor would always be in class.  Therefore, I could get help when I needed it.  


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