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Dependent Learners

I have found that 90% of my students that are NOT online learners fall into the "Dependent Learner" category. 

They wait for step-by-step instructions and do not take initiative or feel confident to risk being wrong in their choices.

As for Online Learners that use the "Chat Room", they seem to be more eager and confident to ask questions and learn from the instructor.

Any other thoughts on this topic?


Coco Mayer

I feel like there is a learning curve to being an online learner.  In the first few classes, students are trying to learn how to navigate and utilize the functionality of their virtual classroom as much as they are trying to learn the content of the course.  Do you find that students in later classes are more apt to participate?

Coco, I wonder if what you observe has to do with conditioning from childhood related to how we are expected to act in a traditional classroom.  In the online environment students are likely encouraged to be more self guided and to participate more.  Another factor could be that online education appeals more to independant learners.

I teach in the classroom, not online and I also find that most of my students are very dependant and want exact instructions of what is expected from them. I am very interested to hear that online students are more self directed, independant learners. I have always felt that the personal connection of the onground classroom was more conducive to learning but I am now having second thoughts with regard to that opinion. If you only teach online and are refering to students who are new to online courses then perhaps it is their unfamiliarity with navigating the virtual classroom.

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