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Picking the appropriate virtual office hours?

What is the best way to pick these hours?

The first consideration when I am determining my office hours as an adjunct facutly member is to work around the hours of my full time job. Then I select three days and three different times in hopes that I reach as many students as possible. Since all of my assignments are due on Sunday evening, I always have office hours Sunday evening in case students have problems submitting the assignment.

Office hours are meant for the convenience of the student first, and the instructor second. In the past, I have selected one during the week and one during the weekend. After the first week of classes, I would send out a survey asking students to pick from a large selection of times that I can make. Most students don't seem to care, so naturally, those that respond get their preferences met.

I really like the idea of getting feedback from the students on when to have office hours. Thank you for the suggestion.

Our requirement is one hour per class session per week. We can open the office hours to other sessions so I offer a block of three hours Sunday afternoon for my office hours.

Participation is usually individual and directly related to the assignment due at the end of that Sunday. Therefor the students effectively have a three hour window available for last minute questions and assignment problems. Communication is usually IM style so it is private and rarely takes more that a couple of information exchanges to address the student's inquiry.

With students from all over the world, esp the 3 time zones in the US, it is tricky to pick the proper Office Hours.

What I do is post the office hours each week, but also remind the student we can setup an appropriate time whenever they need my help/advise. This works well for me.

When forced to set office hours I tend to make them on weekdays at lunch time. If 2 hours per week are required, I use lunch in 2 different time zones. In reality, I find that any small block of time is not effective or adequate. I generally publish my cell phone number and invite calls 10 AM - 8 PM, M-Sat. This tends to work for almost all students and takes away any complaints about not being accessible.

I like your consideration of the individual student in special situations; but, you have also established some set office hours. Thanks for those thoughts!

Good question Robert! I always find this difficult because I want to make sure I pick times that are appropriate for my students (which seems to be in the evening), but I also have to keep in mind I have my own life too. We hold 2 office hours and 1 chat session for each class. I teach three classes, so my evenings can get pretty booked. Lately, I have found if I hold one around lunch time during the week, one in the monring during the week, one on Sunday evening (assignmentst are due Sunday night), and one three hour long office hour on a week night it tends to work.

I do feel that the students who really want to utilize office hours will try their best to make the times you have, of course, if they are reasonable. Those students who truly want my help and can't make office hours typically email me, and we then work around their schedule.

I do like the idea of surveying them with optional times!

Great suggestions Molly! Thanks for sharing them with the group.

I find that students rarely seek me out during my posted office hours. They have my email and phone number, so most of them just contact me as needed. I get back to them as soon as possible. My official office hours are often pretty quiet and I just get other work done. Does anyone else find this to be the case?

I like to pick a time in the evening that an assignment is due. I remember when I was going to school full-time, I always ended up with one question the night it was due.

Yes, I do find this to be the case. However, I have had a few students contact me during my scheduled office hours and I think that even if only one student contacts me a quarter during my office hours, it is still worth my time. It is also a nice time, if students don't contact me, to catch up on grading or other things for my class.

That is a great idea Kimberly! Many students seem to always wait until the day an assignment is due to work on it, so scheduling office hours when an assignment is due could be very helpful.

Also, keep in mind the students that are working and have a career so I agree that the evening can be a great time for students to be able to reach out. Many students have family as well so after-dinner time may be a great time for people to reach out when they are beginning to think about their homework, research paper, or to post a comment online.

Weekends are best, as most people are off work.
I would survey the students as to the most common
available time.

I think having a set office hour is tough. Students in different time zones never seem to line up with my schedule. I think being flexible and making yourself available at various times per the request of the student is most effective.

For office hours I look at the task list,class scheduling and my full time job hours. Also, I will sometimes ask the students for their input on time frames. Sundays are a great day for office hours.

I agree that Sundays are a great day for office hours, especially if that is when assignments are always due.

Hello Everyone,

The best way to pick office hours in my opinion is by emailing learners once your roster is available so that a decision can be made based on learner response.

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