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Facilitator vs Instructor

How do find that line between being a facilitator? an authority figure? and remain student-centric?

What do you believe is the most effective classroom mangment style? student-centric or teacher centric?

Student- centric is ideal, but what happens to organization and meeting objectives and outcomes?

Teacher- centered is great for organization, but it can become too structured and stifling...

Teachers are what makes our students Great! I see hand shaped turkeys in the grade school windows. Teachers teach our children the basics of education, learning, and their skill potential.
Facilitator's give their life expierences and job expierences to bring the world to the students.


Well, if we could articulate this we would be rich and famous! :) I understand the frustration. Different classes with different students demand a either more authority or less; it is more situational. I also see the way I setup a course f2f or online may be more authority driven when I have freshmen and sophomores then become more facilitator as they become upperclassmen or graduate students but that may be affected by the class personality. My framework and organization is always student centered; how I interact may change.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


You make a great point. We do shape student learning by our experiences. That is what makes using "real life" examples so important.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

The most effective classroom mangment style is the combination of student-centered and teacher centered. Since student's level are vary, the facilitator should help students engage learning, provide guidelines and support, evaluate students learning outcomes.


That is true, you have to step up and be involved in the course. Students should understand the roles of both the teacher and the student at the beginning of the course.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

If the instructor doesn't become a big part of the student's online experience--the student won't learn. It is a challenenge because it is online, but doing as much as possible for the student will help the student succeed. Examples would be emails, phone calls, being available to text, etc.


I agree but I think you have to define your communication strategies that is part of the learning contract.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

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