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I teach diesel training where we have few self starters or self motivators. I’m all for tools that aid in the spread of knowledge


So, how can the new technology tools increase the self direction and self motivation of your students? Having a strong purpose and also providing a blended course delivery can go a long way in developing these skills in students.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

#1 curiosity is a gerat motivator, give a student a tool or toy and when they find thecanot just turn it on and conquer it many dig in adn workt o beat it or operate it.
#2 Attach the learnig to a subject they like (Motorcycles, trucks, quads, cars, lowriders ect.)
#3 give them a 2 minuet video of the component in action and man y will google the unit and find out about it.
Just a few thought on mtivation. I cannot make them study or learn but I can make it so exciting they want to learn.

Good points! There is both external motivation ( the kind of active learning you describe here) and internal (student goals and interests). By providing courses where students engage, explore, discover and apply ( as you describe) we are already a long way down the path to student success.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

the ability to keep our youth focused on the task at hand like theory for training is very hard and with the use of more tools for learning and many ways to get a understanding of the product is what counts so the advantage to have more tool to teach with is great

By learning what is happening on the subject studied and why it happens this way. How it all happens and being able to get clarification with an instructor before the task is attempted. It is a much better way to learn. Theory, discussion,analysis, and application..

For training in my class, I bring the class portion to the lab and bring the lab into the classroom


This sounds like a useful combination - what is your role throughhout?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I definitely like that approach which also contributes to a equal blend of theory and practice.


I think that students see that technology tools increase their creativity and give them some choices. So, they are not just writing a paper again, they are presenting information in a meaningful and interesting way. Prezi and Glogster are 2 tools that allow for a lot of creativity and students really like using them.

Does anyone else have any good online presentation tools that you have used with your students?


Good points! New technology is extremely user-driven and the more we integrate that dynamic into our instructional design, the better.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

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