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The same types of plagiarism and cheating occurin both online and f2f educational platforms. The instructor needs to be awarene of the indicators of cheating and plagiarism. We do have the various search engines such as that help with detection. Proactive education and addressing the issue at the start of class does help, but it will alway6s be present to some extent.

Great points on the issues of cheating, Shelly and Debra. I think that it is imperaive that onlinhe universities have strong academic honesty policies and that in the first class students are taught the parameters of cheating and plagiarism as well as the consequences.

I diagree.
The integrity of a program, the credibility of its degrees, the acceptance of its graduates into the workforce, the reputation of the degrees awarded, and the eligibility for accreditation are all impacted by adherence to high standards in the classroom that seek to educate regarding ethical conduct and integrity.
Cheating hurts all stakeholders.
Rathin Basu

Completely disagree. Cheating is unacceptable in any form. Thank goodness for Turnitin! It is important that students learn to put ideas into their own words. There is also value for them to learn when and how to reference an expert. These skills are vital for them in their jobs as well as any course they may take.

We should be concerned with cheating in any course. Many of the same resources are available to both the ground student and the online student. When work is supplied, we have to research for its originality and compare to online answers "out there" on the internet. It definitely means more work for the instructor, but we need to send the message ot the student that their work is to be there own.

Marjorie Thrall Moller

I so agree with you.....cheating in school leads to an unhonest employee.

Shelly Crider

I love the term proactive! Each class we teach, we learn from. Once you find a student plagiarizing, you will become more proactive.

Shelly Crider

Unacceptable in any classroom as well as the workplace itself.

Shelly Crider

I think it is actually easier to cheat in an online forum because the student can "google" and find answers already drafted!

Disagree. We should be concerned about students cheating in online classes. Even more so, than we are concerned about cheating in traditional classes. After all, in traditional classes we can see the student, and require the student to prove her/his identity. Such identity proof is not so easy in an online environment.

Hello Shelly,

I completely disagree because the instructor should be concerned about students cheating whether in traditional classes or in an online class. The students will not gain the knowledge and achieve the learning objective of the course if they are cheating. Integrating Turnitin in the platform that is used to deliver online courses is highly recommended.

Best regards,

As so many others have said here, I disagree with the statement. Cheating in any academic environment is unacceptable behavior and is counter-productive. Students are in a class to learn so they can go on and use that knowledge in the real world. Cheating does not prepare them for that and, as you mentioned in one of your reply posts Shelly, leads one to believe that that student will carry that kind of behavior into their working environment.

Oh wow! We should always be concerned about cheating, or plagiarism.

I have taught both on ground and online for years, and my response to cheating or copying and pasting has been consistent... a zero grade.

How can I do my job to assess student learning if the student is not doing his or her own original work?

Do you think students are more likely to cheat in courses that they perceive as less valuable to them personally or to their career goals? Lyn

Absolutely! Cheating also cheats the ones that do it. I would have to assume they are in classes to learn and get a degree that is meaningful to their lives. I have never understood why students would diminish the value of what they achieve by cheating. Lyn

Yes, the internet has a thriving and I assume lucrative selection of essay websites to which people can get answers for the course assignments.

Cheat websites, we call them. Using that sort of "service" is the epitome of cheating.

How do the people that work for these sites even begin to rationalize what they are doing? Sigh. Lyn

We as instructors will need to be crafty with our assessments.

Shelly Crider

Nancy ,
It take tiime to do the research to see if cheating has occurred as well.

Shelly Crider

Oh so true...the bottom line is knowledge gained.

Shelly Crider

Lyn ,
I think cheating occurs when life gets crazy for a student. When a student becomes overwhelmed, cheating could take place.

Shelly Crider

Lyn ,
Cheating is a vicious animal. Hurts everyone involved.

Shelly Crider

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