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Artworks and Photographs

Being the generation Y is more of the visual learner and needs to compare to another learning model. I feel it is imperative to have a variety of tools to illustrate a point.


Good point - it is always a balance between too much and too little.



Just looking at the Fair Use Doctrine Act and am somewhat confused about the legal use of artwork and photographs. Copyrighted work can be used for educational purposes. When creating an online class (educational purpose) shouldn't you still follow copyright laws???


Its pretty complex, especially if you are a private, for-profit institution.

For more details you can check out:



Thanks for the link Jon. It was extremely helpful. I think that all instructors should have a course on copyright laws and compliance. I think it is an area that is often overlooked or purposely ignored. Perhaps Max Knowledge can add this to the bank of courses.

I agree 100%. Students get so bored if they just sit there and read with no visuals. I think videos and photographs are key to online learning.

Wouldn't you say most people online do like visual effects?

Most definitely! I took another online course that contained almost no artwork or photographs and was text driven only. It was so boring and I found it so hard to concentrate and finish the lesson each week. However, I am glad that I had this experience because I will ensure that my course has video, animations, audio, etc. to hold the learner's interest so ultimal learning can take place!

THis is a very visual generation and reading is not always ther forte. But visuals help all of us. It helps us to teach.

I agree, using visual traininig aids help students understand the material being taught. When I am explaining in a lecture about something, I also bring in some kind of visual training. Students retain the info much longer and they get ask questions that needs clearification of their understanding.

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