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A lot of students do need this I find in a world with computers you can be isolated.

Computers can be isolating, but they can also be helpful in creating new clients in another part of the world!

Shelly Crider

I feel like the use of shared files and online responsibility with protecting information helps build or enhance a better sense of team work among students or coworkers.

Showing the importance of resources and teamwork together.....priceless!!

Shelly Crider

I use a weekly-student led-online discussion board. Each week I choose an article from the news (as it relates to that weeks lecture topic) and post the links. Students read the article and post one personal resonse and two comments on their peer posts. It integrates technnology communication writing and research. We have all enjoyed the process.

I like how you intergrate an article from the news. I think this is very important. Whether it is from the past or current affairs.

Shelly Crider

At the same time, computers and cloud-based tech enable students to work as teams across distance and time zones. One of the best aspects of my online college experience were the group projects and discussion boards, where collaboration could occur. At the same time, poorly run group projects were the most frustrating element of my education.

Group projects are a great way to learn, but you are right, they must be planned out and very well organized for the students.

Shelly Crider

Agreed! Nothing is like team work!!

I group students together and have them teach the teacher the material they are working on. This allows them to discuss the material so they remember it and then they also present to the class in a teaching form. This helps with remembering and perception.

Valerie ,
Teach the teacher is a great exercise as students really have to focus on what is important in the material and be able to communicate with others.

Shelly Crider

Teaching in a technical school environment, I have found that students seem to learn better when working in groups, I'll keep the groups small (2 to 3 students), this way each of the students has an input on their projects. I think it helps the students understand their projects better when they work with fellow students. I will get involved with the group(s) when they need further assistance.

This is very interesing as my students do not like group work, but I have to emphasize that in the real work place, group work is mandatory.

Shelly Crider

It's true, technology can be both individualistic and collaborative. I think students need to know the difference and embrace both. It's like tech etiquette, there's a place for technology and a place for non-technology time. Mixing technology with team building is especially powerful, it combines the best of both.

Excellent discussion thread! I like the idea of mixing technology and team building!

Shelly Crider

About every 3rd class, I'll have students form their own 3-4 person team for a group assignment for the last half hour of class. Most like the small group to either get assistance or be able to actually explain to someone else how do solve the problems (I teach Math). Every once in a while, but seldom, I've had a student who preferred to work alone (which for these type assignments is not an option! I just tell them that they need to learn how to play "nice" in the sandbox!

I tell my mother to play nice with the other children every time she goes to play cards! It is good to reinforce that there is a need for knowing how to get along!

Shelly Crider

I also teach in a technical school and I find that when using groups of no more than three students it can become a better learning environment. I also allows me to make evaluations during the learning process. I find it is easier for a student to ask for help and break barriers they may have with their teacher making it easier to ask for help.

I teach in a health care profession where students will be working together as a team to do patient care. I teach a basic skills course and about a year ago, I changed a paper the students had to write at the beginning of the course into a group activity. My rationale was to give the students an opportunity to meet and start interacting with each other. The assignment drives them to learn to work with each other to meet the assignment objectives. I see it as a start to the teamwork they will eventually be doing later in the program. 

I think good communication skills are a must for good teamwork.

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