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Overcoming Procrastination

Since there are a lot of demands placed on us (Instructors), it is important to realize that procrastination can severely hinder our academic performance. This is true in life as well. With this in mind, it is essential to have a realistic game plan for overcoming procrastination. Here are some things I do to help myself: 1) Assess the Task. I spend a few minutes thinking through everything that needs to be done, then, if possible, segment the task into various smaller pieces. It’s much easier to tackle smaller tasks than one huge task. 2) I believe once you start a task you are already half done.   I don’t try and shoot for completion in one sitting. This can be overwhelming. Getting started is the key and incremental progress will follow. 3) Progress, even a little bit each day, adds up, and over time increases your confidence that you can, that you will, finish. 4) Eliminate Distractions. I find a quiet place and concentrate. The most important concept I started doing is not to beat myself up about getting everything perfect. it’s more important that every project gets finished, not that every project be perfect.

I also struggle with perfection. Trying to achieve perfection slows down the process and increases stress. If time permits, I circle back and improve work only if it adds value.

I've learned to follow the curriculum of the Institution that I work for in helping prepare my Lesson Plans in advance. Now, even though each class has its own pace in which things will be completed I can see where I need to be over a course period of weeks instead of just days. I've created a fair grading system as well that allows for the students test to be returned within a day or two instead of a week.


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