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Personal problems in the classroom.

I think it is a big mistake to talk about personal problems with the class, it is just not appropriate or professional.

I think in doing this we create a somewhat stressful situation. I also think we need to show our students that we are there for them and in talking about our personal problems may delute that idea.

Hello Nathan,
I have been teaching for over 20 years, and I never bring up personal information in class, you simply don't need to do that. While in class is a professional affair not a personal affair.

Hi Rick,
The classroom is no place for personal problems. We all have personal problems, but it is a time and place for everything.

I think your are complitly right about that many intructor make that mistake confusing shering there experince with shering there personal live.

Hi Michell,
Personal should be kept out of the classroom. The classroom should strictly be about professional. Some instructors get too caught up in personal affairs in the classroom, and they leave little time for instructing.

there is not pofessional to talk about personal problems in the classroom.

Hi Patricia, I think you are correct as teachers we need to establish a professional setting in the classroom and talking about personal problems
completely changes the dynamics of the teaching setting

Hi Michele,
Absolutely, the classroom is no place to talk about personal issues. The classroom is used to instruct, and the classroom should have a professional atmosphere at all times.

Hello Ricardo,
We must be regarded as professionals at all times. Our students watch our every move.

With so many people feeling this strongly about personal information in class it's amazing that it is still a problem. Perhaps one good real world lesson in this has taught most of us not to do it, but I can always remember not wanting people in my class to know to much about me, personally.

Hello Owen,
I too try not to let my students know a whole lot about me personally. I like to keep things strictly professional.

the classroom is the place for motivation and inspiration to gain new knowlege and experiences so there is no room for personal problems and the intructor has the number one responsability to make a classroom a positive setting for learning.

it is a big mistake to bring your own problems to the class room and expecting your students at the same time to leave their problems at home

I couldn't agree more, an instructor or professor must be well prepared for his/her class, be orgonized and willing to share his/hers related professional experiense with the students not his personal experience/problems, it is a mistake. I think that this mistake is made by Instructors when they lack preparedness and or experience in the related field and find themselves talking about their own lives or problems.

I agree that the classroom in not a venue for one to air their personal issues. Many students wear their day on their sleeve. Sometimes I have taken the students out into the hallway or let them know of the counseling agency we have retained to assit them.

Many times, I will also request the student to speak with one of our deans during our break. This seems to work well.

Hi Richard,
Absolutely! The classroom is no place for personal issues. Personal issues need to be discussed in a private setting and dealt with accordingly as you have done.

Some personal issues create rapport with the student. An instructor does not want to be viewed as remote. Too much discussion about personal situations is not a good idea. (As in every day.) Also information should be upbeat, inspiring, humorous, short and relevant.

I agree that you should not bring personal problems into the classroom, but I think students do like to know more about your life. It can make these abstract concepts seem more real. For example, as an attorney, I try to bring up actual cases I've worked on.

Hi Claire,
Stories that are applicable to the lesson are fine! Students need to know things that really happen in the real world.

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