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not learning student names

I think it is important to learn student names.

Hi Brian,
It is important to learn student names. Why do you feel it is so important to learn student names?

I find that the asigned lab groups help me to learn the students names.

Remembering names is the hardest part for me. I am vowing to do a much better job of it. It's really human dignity.

Hello Dale,
Students love it when you have memorized their name. Continue to work on it, you will get it. I am just real good at remembering names.

It can be very difficult, we see between 20-30 students every 3 weeks. I do my best to remember their names, by calling out attendance and test grades by using their names and seeing who responds. I also joke with them that if I remember their names in the first few days that they are either doing something very right or very wrong.

Hello Anthony,
Guess what? I am super at remembering my student names. I remember all of my student names on the very first day of class, it does not matter how large or small the class is. I try to focus on something about the student to help me remember their name.

I feel that learning 30 new names every 3 weeks is one of the most difficult parts to being an instructor. Like Anthony, I call out attendance and test grades to help learn their names. The students really do expect you to know their name quickly.

My goal every 3 weeks is to learn up to 30 student's names as soon as possible. I also call them by Mr. or Miss and their last name. This adds a respect factor.

Hello Stan,
What an awesome goal to set. Also, I like the idea of using Miss or Mr. I am sure you get great respect from your students because you give them respect.

Hi Martin,
It certainly is an expectation of students to know their name. When you know student names, it makes the students feel important and that they do matter.

I too have a hard time learning there names. So I try to use there names every all the time by calling roll calling them up to get there test scores plus that gives hem chance to ask questions on the test too.

Hello Donald,
I am very good at learning student names. However, I've had instructors to use name tags and assigned seats to help them learn their student names.

I use a technique that works well for student names. I photocopy the attendance sheet and number the names from one to how many are in the class.

I then have a blank sheet of paper with lines drawn to represent the table layout of the classroom.

As I take role, I write the number down associated with the student's seat location. I later use MS Excel to make a seating chart. If the students change seats for the next class I cross out the previous name and either write the new name or their number.

I also do this when I substitute teach. As I run the class I use the sheet as a reference to ask questions and I find that using their names helps me to remember them.

Hi David,
What a great way to learn student names. Very clever method.

I get a new group of students every three weeks. I feel that it is very important to remember the names of as many of my students as I can. I let them know on the first day of class that I will learn their names, it's up to them to decide how fast it happens. Some names stick for good reasons, and some for not so good reasons.

Hello Julie,
Wow, your grading periods move quickly. At my institution we get a new group every five weeks. I am very good at remember names, and I learn my student names the very first day. It always impresses new students by me learning everyone's name the first day.

When we take time to learn the student names it shows the students that they are not just a number or dollar is respectful to the students, granted that they only have one or two names to remeber while us instructors need to remeber a whole class of students and if you are working a double shift it is even more difficult.

Hi Roger,
We must be the pro's. Make your students feel important and learn their names.

I use the same idea with Mr. & Mrs. I also tell them if I butcher your name you can do the same with mine until I get it right. That helps me with in a day or so. But if their last name is eaiser to say I go with the Mr. & Mrs. I also asimulate the name with the person for the first time I meet them.

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