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Cheating Students

I have had some difficulties with this issue. The difficulty is not so much to do with what to do with the cheater, but how to be sure that I am correct with my assumption. I have often been very suspicious that students are cheating, but do not want to embarrass them by a false accusation. I have come to the conclusion that elimination of the methods in which they might conceal cheating materials is my best solution. Again, I have to take control of as much of the situation as possible. Any suggestions?

It is very disappointing when you suspect a student of cheating you do lose trust in him/her. I will use some of the strategies such as exam room set-up; develop a rapport and using the correct type of exam. I may not be able to prevent cheating, but I can create an environment that discourages cheating.

Like me, you know that awareness is the key. It is up to us, the instructors to use preventive measures. I, too will use all discouraging measures. Thanks.

Hi Judith,
Trying to prevent cheating is definitely work in progress. Cheating has taken place from as long as I can remember, which is more than 40 years.

I agree-creating a non-cheating environment for the test, so to speak, is a great idea.

Cheating is certainly an age old problem. I try to be unpredictable with my students by getting up at different times during the exam and walking to different areas of the room. In addition, I always make two different copies if the test. I usually move the first question from a test and put it at the end of the second test so that both tests have the exact same questions only the answer sheet will have a very different progression of the answers.

When you find a student cheating you should take care of the problem at once so it does not happen again

I have found that students who cheat.....usually just are not prepared for the exam....rather it be because they work and sre to tired to study or they just weren't interested in that particular course and did not pay attention in class. This is why, I feel motivation in the classroom is so important.

set boundaries the first test they take, explain that is anyone is caught cheating it is means 1. you get a zero for the test and second it is means of dismissal for the class and possibly by the school.truth and fear are always a benefit

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