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Constant talker as observer

I really benefited from the suggestion of using the "constant talker" to be the observer. I think that this will be very helpful and have a few I will try tonight.

It is hard to provide an environment that encourages success but at the same time keeps the constant talker from dominating the class

I agree that this method is a great idea. I love the energetic student--but feel frustration when he or she dominates class discussions. Assigning the role of observer truly gives the student purpose--while giving classmates the chance to "get in a word edgewise".

I'm not sure how to set that up in a positive light though. I don't think they will respond well if you say, "Now you just sit here and take notes and don't say a word until I call on you." They will be practically exploding with all their comments! Plus, that just sounds mean. What am I missing? How can this be set up a little more tactfully?

Hi Peter,
It's not what you say, it is how you say. You should find a way to phrase it nicely, yet it means the same thing, for example, I would like for you to take take notes please, and play the role as the observer, whenever I need your valid input I will signal you, thank you for carrying out this important role.

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