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unfocused students

keep reminding them of why they are there, what the goals are and keep them interested in the goals they want to attain.

Hi Choppy,
At times, as educators we do have to remind our students as to why they are there and what their goals are they are trying to achieve. Keeping students focused/interested is a MUST for educators.

Each student is different with different reasons for attending a class. While it may be impossible to "mentor" an entire class, it is usually possible to chat 1-on-1 with these folks. They have potential and may just need some reinforcement from someone that it is within their reach to succeed. Or maybe a simple reminder statement of why they are there or what they can accomplish--perhaps given to the entire class so as not to directly draw attention on them--can work wonders on their focus.

Hi Steven,
You're right, each student is different. As an educator you have to be really good in order to adapt to all the different personalities, ability levels, etc. There are some students that allow me to get to know them better than others, but I do make an effort to chat with all of my students.

I like the idea of a reminder to them as to why they are there. Often students like anyone else, can get down or discouraged. Those reminders can be motivational and can get the stduent to refocus their efforts and get recharged to work towards a degree and reach their career gaols. That is a big part of teaching. To inspire!

Hi Cheryl,
We as educators must be able to inspire, motivate, encourage, etc. students. I always turn on my happy face while I am teaching!

It seems to help alot of studetns when we take mini breaks to stretch and stand up. This often reduces real break time and keeps them awake.

Hi Jonathan,
We need to do whatever it takes to keep our students focused. Sometimes mini breaks are a MUST. It's amazing the energy level after a mini break.

Unfortunatly our students seem to think the goal is an "A" not learning the material. They think that if they show up and fill out all the required tasks they deserve an "A". I need to remind them that they are here to learn how to do the things on their own and copying answers to a piece of paper does not mean they can perform the task or that they deserve a good grade. The goal is to learn as much of the course material as possible and I also need to keep reminding the students of that.

Hello Mark,
I too have to continuously remind my students of the same thing. Some students really do fail to realize that the main point is to fully learn the material.

Don't single them out and cause further detatchment from the educational experience. Rather find ways to allow them to be included in giving their take on solutions to course related scenerios from their life experiences.Don't pick on them or make them seem more distressed but rather show them you're interested in what they can contribute to class discussions. Getting them involved gets them feeling more like they want to come to class and participate not just attend.

Hi Edward,
If a student feels you have their best interest at heart. The student will perform because he or she does not want to disappoint you. We can not give up on any of our students!

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