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Setting the stage

I always try to set the stage for my students. When the students see what the class really is going to contain and how they will learn, it usually will keep them interactive.

Hi Richard,
Super! It is certainly the instructor's responsiblity to set the stage for effective learning to take place. The instructor sets the tone of the class.

Patricia Scales

when the instuctor is ready for class in all dementions, the students will be ready to learn.

Hi David,
Absolutely! Structure begins with the instructor. The instructor has to be prepared in order to produce an environment for effective learning to take place.

Patricia Scales

I like letting the students know what it will be like in the real world application of the lesson I am planning for the day. I find case studies are one helpful way to have students think about the information I have presented and be able to work through a case with their critical thinking skills.

Hi Sharon,
Case studies are excellent to help generate critical thinking. Students tend to enjoy case studies because case studies are so applicable to the real world.

Patricia Scales

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