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In an Applications Course, whether it be C++, JAVA, or any of the Microsoft Office Applications, it is important to enable the students to visualize learning concepts.

At the Beginning of every lesson, I do a "step by step". I take one assignment of the three graded for that lesson, and do it on the wall WITH THE STUDENTS!!

In my introduction, I explain, I have my own "Leave No Student Behind" Theory. As I go through, step by step, all students must not only follow along, but also mimic what I am doing on the PC. Any student falling behind raises their hand, and myself or their classmate(s) assist them in explaining the objective the student is not understanding.

At the end of the Wall Assignment, students upload there files to me, which I can look for deficiencies and discuss with the student immediately.

This builds TEAMWORK, and allows for Formative Assessments of not only my students' Progress but also my ability in presenting the information.

not a bad ideal!! i like that. now i just have to figure out how to run with a similar idea with my classes :)

I'm a massage therapy instructor and I think that this is a great way to present different topics. I can see where presenting a new technique this way would create a warmer learning environment for my students. I tried something similar to this with a business project assignment and for the students that were having trouble figuring out where to begin it really helped.

I have recently started doing this on the whiteboard where I will write it on the board, we discuss how/why it meets criterea, then they copy it and had it in at the end of class. I am would be amazed at how many students don't get it right even after going through it together. I usually have at least one in every class. It gives me the heads up of students who need more assistance.

Hi Helen,
Some students simply will not speak up. You do not know that they don't understand until they have to apply what they have learned, and they are unable to perform.

Hi Susan,
I've learned the warmer the learning environment is, the better it is for the student.

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