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coping mechanism

It is vital for career school instructors and students to utilize coping mechanism skills to deal with stress.

Utilizing coping mechanism skills in a positive what is the most vital. The positive allows both the student and instructor to be productive contributors / facilitator, respectively, within the classroom. Imagine a instructor or student drunk or their mind chemically altered and them participating in class. The lack of not only coping but positively coping would only be horrendous no matter who it is.

These coping mechanism can be different for every person and the mechanism you use may also be helpful to others who may not have thought of that way to cope.

A healthy 'time-out' can be a plus. At work, we instructors sit together in the staff break room and shoot the breeze during lunch. In addition, we've all agreed to watch Family Feud and 'play along'. Its a great time. However brief and maybe even silly, its a quick disconnect, and by the end of lunch time we all have a smile on our face.

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