Jorge Moreno

Jorge Moreno

About me


EQ is extremely important. 


Hard skills are necessary, but soft skills are essential and better contribute to any one person's success. 


This is a very neat concept, which definitely puts more responsibility in the hands of the student. I also appreciate it as a new/different dynamic, which gives the Instructor options. 

We already use rubrics at my school, but I now have a greater understanding of their purpose, and I will be able to better explain their purpose to the new students. 

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I use 2 copies of my Student Rosters as checklists throughout the course. The first I use to track quiz completion, noting if the student was absent or not prepared, and dating when (if) a make-up quiz was completed. The second I use to track quizzes that (unfortunately) the students failed. As the course goes on, this is a better visual tool for me, rather than scrolling through the computer/grade book. Plus, at end of course, I have a quick reference for students that need retake quizzes.
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Making a 'to do list' has been very helpful to me. Just by using post-it notes, I can keep myself on track, even at times where I may get distracted by students or staff.
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Having a detailed planner is key. It is imperative that an outline of the course is formatted for everyone to understand, and broken down in to segments. By reviewing the planner, I am more effective at setting a pace, as well as knowing where I can make adjustments should there be a presentation, holiday, or even an unforeseen circumstance that would effect available time.

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